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How do I keep my gold and diamonds safe?

Trust in the banks has suffered significant damage since the 2008 bank crisis. Where are my unique investments still safe? How can I protect my gold and diamonds? Discover here whether you can trust the bank, or whether you would rather find your own solution.

How can the bank protect my physical investments?

We recommend investing in a safe if you’re investing in physical raw materials like diamonds, or other valuable items. Banks can rent these out at reasonable prices. Why would I opt for a safe at the bank? Which safe can I easily install at home, in order to protect my valuable possessions?

  1. When can I access my possessions?

You will be reliant on the bank’s opening hours when you rent a safe at the bank. So what if you want to retrieve something from the safe at another time? This will often not be possible. Have you still managed to get an out-of-hours appointment? Then you will often be paying a fee for this. A safe in the bank is therefore a good idea when you don’t often need your investment in gold or diamonds.

  1. What insurance will the bank offer me?

What will happen to my safe if the bank goes bankrupt? Your own property does not belong to the bank, so any bankruptcy will not affect your possessions. Do you have any valuable gold or diamonds in the safe? This will simply continue to be yours.

  1. What can I do in case of theft?

What about theft? You will be insured with the bank. Do you have any diamonds or a bar of platinum in your safe? Then you will need to prove this. You therefore need to prepare a reliable inventory of whatever’s being stored with photographs or a notarial deed. Banks are always well secured and covered. Any possible theft will simply be dealt with by their insurance.

What do I need to pay attention to when installing a safe myself?

Would you rather keep your valuable possessions close at hand? Do you want to be able to wear that diamond jewellery whenever you want? Then the best option is to install your own safe at home. Plus there are many more things you can do at home to combat burglaries.

  1. Which safe do I choose?

The size and type of safe will depend on your needs. Do you often lose your keys? Then go for a combination lock. Do you tend to quickly forget codes? Then maybe opt for a fingerprint lock. You will also need to see how much room your valuable items take up. Look for a safe which is a few sizes too big, allowing for you to add future investments without the need to buy a larger or second safe.

  1. Where do I install my safe?

Your best option is to install your safe in a hidden place which isn’t immediately obvious. In addition, it’s safest to have them anchored into the wall or floor. Are you renovating? Then you can arrange for your safe to be built in. This will ensure thieves will not be able to take the entire safe and your gold and diamonds will continue to be safe.

  1. Which insurance policies should I take out?

You should insure a safe with valuable items in your home separately. Most household insurance policies will have a maximum amount. You can also take out a separate insurance policy for your safe based on strength. They will each have a specific maximum value they can safely and securely store.

Which investments are best kept in your safe? Can you safely store loose diamonds or bars of platinum at home? Ask BAUNAT’s diamond experts for advice for the safest protection of your possessions.

  • Fabienne Rauw

  • BAUNAT Antwerp
  • Fabienne, manager of the German market is able to guide every client with finding the right jewel. She takes care of most of the German orders, but also takes other task on her plate. Thanks to her six  years of experience at BAUNAT she acquainted well with the product and the marketing around it. Her degree in PR ensures that BAUNAT is well presented across all media channels. For anyone looking into a new investment opportunity, Fabienne is the perfect guide in this process. No question will be left unanswered, and she will help you every step of the way.

Fabienne, manager of the German market is able to guide every client with finding the right jewel. She takes care of most of the German orders, but also takes other task on her plate. Thanks to her six  years of experience at BAUNAT she acquainted well with the product and the marketing around it. Her degree in PR ensures that BAUNAT is well presented across all media channels. For anyone looking into a new investment opportunity, Fabienne is the perfect guide in this process. No question will be left unanswered, and she will help you every step of the way.