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Are diamonds cheaper in Antwerp?

  • Why do Antwerp diamonds have the best price/quality ratio?
  • Why does Antwerp boast the top position where quality is concerned?
  • What characterises the cutting method which first came about in Antwerp?

  • Discover our unique collection of exclusive jewellery

    Have you ever wondered whether diamond prices are lower in cities like Antwerp? Its top position within the world of diamonds has resulted in diamonds in Antwerp having the best price-quality ratio, which means you will always pay the best price in the market.

    Why do Antwerp diamonds have the best price/quality ratio?

    84% of all rough diamonds in the world pass through Antwerp. This has given the city the top position where international diamond trading as well as quality are concerned. Diamond prices in Antwerp are therefore always the best you will find anywhere within the market.

    At BAUNAT we also strive for an unsurpassed price-quality ratio for our customers. For this we invest in efficiency and also do everything possible to avoid any unnecessary intermediaries. When you compare our prices with other major brands, you will see that these are the best prices you can find for a certified diamond of a certain colour, clarity and cut quality.

    Why does Antwerp boast the top position where quality is concerned?

    The quality of the diamonds in Antwerp is unsurpassed as a result of the links the city has with the biggest diamond mines in the world. Buying your diamonds in Antwerp means you are opting for the absolute top quality in raw materials. Plus at BAUNAT we also have the opportunity to buy our diamonds at the best possible price.

    Diamonds in Antwerp are also subjected to the most accurate craftsmanship. It’s no coincidence the city is well known for its unique cutting methods.

    What characterises the cutting method which first came about in Antwerp?

    The Antwerp resident Marcel Tolkowsky lifted the brilliant cut up to a higher plane halfway through the 17th century. He used a mathematical method to perfect the technique for cutting a round diamond with 58 facets, which resulted in the creation of the optimally brilliant diamond.

    Would you like to buy your diamonds in Antwerp? Then make an appointment and come and see us in our showroom or contact one of BAUNAT’s diamond experts!

    Online webshop for high quality diamond jewellery. View all our diamond jewels in our online shop. Our online business model allows us to offer you these high quality jewels at excellent prices.

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    Schupstraat 21
    2018 Antwerpen