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- Autheur:
- Kim Wouters
- BAUNAT Anvers
- Temps de lecture:11 minutes
Découvrez la signification symbolique d’un diamant
Lorsqu'il s'agit du monde des pierres précieuses, les diamants occupent une position incomparable. Leur beauté inhérente, leur éclat éblouissant et leur charme indéniable en ont fait un symbole précieux à travers les cultures et les siècles. Que vous soyez passionné de joaillerie ou en quête spirituelle, comprendre la symbolique des diamants peut enrichir votre appréciation de ces gemmes extraordinaires. Dans cet article, nous allons plonger dans la signification symbolique des diamants.
Les bijoux en diamant les plus consultés
Quelle est exactement la composition d’un diamant ?
Un cristal composé de 99,95 % d'atomes de carbone pur disposés dans une structure cristalline isométrique ou cubique. C’est cette disposition unique des atomes de carbone qui confère aux diamants leur apparence et leurs propriétés distinctes par rapport à d'autres minéraux purs comme le graphite (le matériau noir et mou utilisé pour fabriquer les crayons). Il n’existe aucun matériau plus dur qu’un diamant. Cela signifie qu’il ne peut être rayé que par un autre diamant. Autant que nous le sachions, le diamant est le minéral le plus dur trouvé dans la nature, ce qui lui vaut la note maximale de 10 sur l’échelle de dureté des minéraux de Mohs.
Un aperçu de l’histoire de la symbolique des diamants
Un diamant très célèbre qui vient à l’esprit est le remarquable diamant bleu Hope. Il est considéré comme maudit depuis qu’il a été volé sur une statue d’idole en Inde. Plusieurs rois et reines l’ont porté et sont morts dans des accidents tragiques, comme Louis XIV, Louis XVI et sa femme Marie-Antoinette. Est-ce lié à ce diamant bleu particulier ? Peut-être que oui, peut-être que non, mais une chose est certaine, presque tous les porteurs de ce diamant ont connu des accidents bizarres et des morts tragiques.
Que symbolise un diamant aujourd’hui ?
Amour éternel et engagement
Force et résilience
Richesse et prestige
Éveil spirituel et clarté
Trouvez des diamants porteurs de sens chez BAUNAT
Explorez le monde des bijoux en diamant de BAUNAT et trouvez le symbole parfait des moments les plus précieux de votre vie.
Explore the world of BAUNAT's diamond jewellery and find the perfect symbol of your life's most cherished moments.
Questions fréquemment posées
What exactly is diamond cutting?
This is the method by which a rough diamond that has been mined from the earth is shaped into a finished, faceted stone. As a first step, cleaving or sawing is often used to separate the rough into smaller, more workable pieces that will each eventually become an individual polished gem. Next, bruiting grinds away the edges, providing the outline shape (for example, heart, oval or round) for the gem. Faceting is done in two steps: during blocking, the table, culet, bezel and pavilion main facets are cut; afterward, the star, upper girdle and lower girdle facets are added. Once the fully faceted diamond has been inspected and improved, it is boiled in hydrochloric and sulfuric acids to remove dust and oil. The diamond is then considered a finished, polished gem.
What diamonds does BAUNAT use?
BAUNAT only offers 100% natural diamonds. This means no treated, artificial or clarity intensified diamonds.
BAUNAT only works together with the most renowned certificates of the diamond industry worldwide: GIA, HRD & IGI.
BAUNAT NV has a zero-tolerance policy towards conflict diamonds. We only buy diamonds through the most respected diamond manufacturers.
The diamonds we select are high quality and offer the greatest brilliance in proportion to their cost.
We select the diamonds that sparkle to their maximum but pay no additional cost for prestige or rarity. Diamonds used by BAUNAT have a VS2 or SI1 score on the purity scale, and have a G or H colour. They also have an exceptional cut.
Diamonds with this result only have minor impurities that are impossible to see with the naked eye for a consumer.
Diamonds with this result have a very nice white colour without a yellow complexion.
1. Colour and clarity
BAUNAT offers 2 possible quality combinations:
G colour - VS2 clarity
H colour - SI1 clarity
Both combinations guarantee a diamond with a beautiful white colour without yellow complexion. VS2 diamonds contain inclusions that are not or hardly discernible to the naked eye. With SI1 diamonds, it is possible that inclusions can be very slightly discernible, but only under good conditions. In addition, all diamonds we select have a great shine because of their high score in terms of the quality of the cut.
The first combination (G-VS2) will be a little brighter than the second, because of the difference in colour and purity. The second combination can only be found in the jewellery category ‘Classics’ with a minimum of 0.30 ct diamonds.
2. Cut
In terms of the cut grade, we can distinguish different parameters, depending on the diamond shape:
a. Round diamonds
The cut can be divided in three parameters:
- Cut
- Polish
- Symmetry
The Cut grade will always be awarded at least a 'VG' (Very Good) rating. On the parameters of Polish and Symmetry, in most cases you will receive at least 2 times VG or better. Please note that the above mentioned cut grade is the minimum; it can also be that you receive a higher quality (EX cut).
b. Other shapes (princess, oval, cushion, etc.)
All other diamond shapes (round diamonds excluded) have two parameters in terms of cut:
- Polish
- Symmetry
You will receive at least 1X VG 1xG, but in most cases 2xVG or better. Please note that the above mentioned Polish & Symmetry grade is the minimum; it can also be that you receive a higher quality (EX polish).
BAUNAT does not only select its diamonds based on the 4 C's you find on the diamond's certificate, but judges the quality of produced light. Because our headquarters are in the heart of the diamond world centre, we can carefully check every diamond. Ultimately we choose the diamonds based on the light they radiate. In other words, we only work with diamonds that shine better than the theoretical proprieties of their certificate (4 C's) would predict.
The combination of our know-how and methods and the fact that diamond industry prices are based on the 4 C's allow us to offer the best price-quality ratio. Only diamonds with a maximal shine will be chosen. A diamond's radiance results from the white light, the movement of light, and the coloured light it reflects.
Diamonds are placed in jewellery pieces in a specific way, so that the table (the top flat part of the diamond) is visible. The bottom part of the diamond, which ends in a cone, usually isn't visible. For instance, in a ring, the bottom part disappears inside the ring. This way, light only enters the diamond from the top of the stone. Because of the specific light refraction of diamonds and the mirror effect of the bottom sides, light will come back out the top of the diamond in all the colours of the rainbow. This process is only maximised if the diamond is cut perfectly, has perfect proportions and if all angles and sides were cut according to the mathematical model of 58 sides.
The diamond will only shine its best if the light is controlled. Otherwise, the light gets lost or disappears in another corner of the diamond.
The cutting process is of course a very difficult, risky and time-consuming process and requires years of expertise. Because all the diamond's growing nerves aren't visible, the work can't be computerised, and is always done by hand. Years of training are required.
Our jewels can carry any shape and size of diamonds: round, princess (square), pear (teardrop) and many others (on demand, see ‘TAILOR MADE’).
Kim Wouters
- BAUNAT Anvers
Kim, certifiée BAUNAT, est notre experte multicarte. Après avoir été immergée dans tous les aspects de la marque et avoir été responsable du succès des clients, des commandes, des ventes, de la gestion du bureau et des produits, elle est la devenue spécialiste pour tout ce qui concerne les diamants et les bijoux. Outre cette expertise produit, le Master en Communication de Kim fait d'elle une excellente conseillère bijoux en diamants pour vous guider dans vos choix et s'assurer que vos attentes soient dépassées.
Kim, certifiée BAUNAT, est notre experte multicarte. Après avoir été immergée dans tous les aspects de la marque et avoir été responsable du succès des clients, des commandes, des ventes, de la gestion du bureau et des produits, elle est la devenue spécialiste pour tout ce qui concerne les diamants et les bijoux. Outre cette expertise produit, le Master en Communication de Kim fait d'elle une excellente conseillère bijoux en diamants pour vous guider dans vos choix et s'assurer que vos attentes soient dépassées.