How to wear beautiful gold diamond jewellery in your hair?

  • Which piece of jewellery is best to wear in your hair?
  • How to actually wear gold diamond jewellery in your hair?

Which piece of jewellery is best to wear in your hair?

You love your jewellery and have a lovely collection of earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings, but you are now looking at adding a little bit of glamour to your hair. So why not choose a beautiful piece of gold diamond jewellery that will rest on your hair and really add a touch of romance to your look?

There are a few options to choose from. The first may be a thin hair pin, it is easy to add to any hair style and can be worn with many outfits. The hair pin is also more affordable as it is smaller and more discrete but adds a lovely touch of brilliance to your hair.

Secondly, you could choose a headband or a tiara that really sits on the top of your head and catches all the attention through its shiny gold and brilliant diamonds. A tiara is overall a costlier option, but the result is always absolutely stunning. A third gold diamond jewellery option that you may use is the romantic vintage style hair comb. Hair combs give an antique but very glamorous look to any of your outfits.

How to actually wear gold diamond jewellery in your hair?

Probably the best option to wear gold diamond jewellery in your hair is when your hair is styled in a beautiful updo. After all, you do need to make sure the piece of jewellery doesn’t come loose, and you risk losing it altogether as you go by your life.

A lovely hair comb and a sleek romantic hair pin are probably the safest options as they are literally inserted through your hair. The pin for example could be worn on the side of your head as it doesn’t need an elaborate hair style to hold on to.

The hair comb is more often inserted at the top of a chignon or tucked over a bun to adorn the hair with style. It adds a touch of colour, shine and elegance.

The beautiful princess-style tiara is the more intricate alternative to wearing gold diamond jewellery in your hair as it rests on the top of your head and does not leave you as much freedom of movement. But isn’t looking like a princess for a few hours worth the hassle?

If you are looking for stunning gold diamond jewellery, visit the BAUNAT website where you can find beautiful and original designer jewellery as well as timeless classics in gold or platinum. Do not hesitate to contact the BAUNAT team of specialists for an appointment in one of their private showrooms. BAUNAT’s team of experts are at your disposal to guide you and answer all your questions.