Engraving your diamond ring

Want to give a personal (and romantic) touch to your diamond ring, you can engrave it. It is special to engrave both names in her engagement ring, or your wedding date in both wedding rings. We recommend to engrave the ring when purchasing instead of afterwards. There are several ways to engrave a diamond ring. We mention these ways as below. 

Hand engravings

Hand engraving is still done in a traditional way. It is very precise work which surely requires some expertise. With the rise of modern laser technology less engraving is done by hand, but recently the traditional technology is being used again. It is a romantic thought when both names are engraved by hand in her engagement ring which you will use to propose her. Even wedding rings are perfect for hand engraving.

You can for example immortalize your wedding date in (or on) the diamond ring. Hand engravings are very sustainable. The technique takes a lot of time, which can bring extra costs.

Modern laser technology

Hand engravings may have a longer lifetime, by using modern laser technology one can engrave very precise. The possibilities are endless. In principle, everything which can be written on paper, can be engraved, all in high definition. Your handwriting, her handwriting, fingerprints and even a photo, all can be engraved. Everything is reduced so it will look perfect on the diamond ring. Moreover it is possible to engrave in 3D. In other words, let your creativity flow, nothing is impossible.

Are you planning to surprise your loved one with an engraved diamond ring? Do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.