Wedding ring traditions around the world

  • Stephanie Hesters
  • Wedding
  • The engagement ring in Arabian countries
  • The particular style of the engagement ring in Israel
  • The Hindus wear their wedding ring differently
  • Countries where the wedding ring is worn on the right hand
  • Countries where people wear their wedding ring on their left hand

When it comes weddings or engagements, the wedding ring is a topic that is often touched upon. But did you know that traditions related to this type of jewellery differ from country to country? In Europe, Asia, or the United States, how are wedding rings worn?

The engagement ring in Arabian countries

In Arabian countries, the woman is the only one to receive a gold wedding ring . Her husband also receives one, but his ring is made from iron. In countries such as Egypt, Algeria or Libya, it is said that men must remain humble and that is why they are not entitled to a gold ring.

The engagement and wedding rings are also proof that from the wedding day onwards, the two families are united forever. As in Europe, wedding rings are worn on the ring finger of the left hand. It is the symbol of the union between two people. Discover the white gold wedding rings from BAUNAT’s collection.

The particular style of the engagement ring in Israel

Whereas in other countries wedding rings can have just that little bit extra, in Israel a wedding ring should be as simple as possible. For the Israelis, the ring is the symbol of purity and that is why it should never be set with precious stones.

An Israeli women must wear her wedding ring at all times to prove her loyalty to her husband. For the husband, this is not necessary. The ring can be worn or stored in a jewellery box. Discover our simple wedding rings here, or contact one of our advisors to help you with your search.

The Hindus wear their wedding ring differently

Hindu people have a rather special tradition regarding wedding rings. Although the union between two people is sealed by offering and wearing the engagement ring, newlyweds do not wear their engagement rings on their hands, but on their toes. More specifically, on their second toe. Wedding rings for women are called ‘Minji’ and for men, they are called ‘Metti’.

In most countries, the wedding ring is worn on the left hand

In most European and Asian countries, the wedding ring is worn on the left hand because, in most cases, this is the non-dominant hand. This way, the ring will not scratch as quickly and will keep its shine longer. Do you recognize these famous engagement rings by celebrities?

In some countries, things are a little bit different. In the Netherlands, the Protestant part of the population chooses to wear their wedding rings on their right hand. In Germany, too, the left hand is reserved for the engagement ring and the wedding ring is worn on the right hand instead.

Today, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you wear the wedding ring on your right hand or your left hand, at BAUNAT you will find beautiful wedding rings to symbolize the union between you and your significant other.