The 10 biggest diamonds in the world

It happens very rarely, but sometimes nature donates ‘us' a giant diamond. A diamond so big, that it’s beyond every imagination. Some are even so big that they even dwarf the diamonds of celebrities - just think of Liz Taylor - and those of our European royal families. And we mere mortals can only dream of seeing such beauty. But what is the largest diamond in the world?

All of the top 10 giant diamonds have been mined in Africa, most of them in South Africa. However, it is since 1990 that such a diamond has been discovered, the very first was found in 1888. The highest carat diamond found on earth so far is the Cullinan diamond. It was cut in Amsterdam and processed in the British Crown Jewels. The largest of all is the Cullinan I (Great star of Africa) and was the largest cut diamond in the world until the Golden Jubilee - 545.67 carats or 15 carats more than the Cullinan I - has been found in 1985.

We’ve talked about the world’s biggest diamonds, but what is the most expensive diamond in the world? The Cullinan I may no longer be the biggest, it remains the most valuable diamond in the world, with an estimated value around 1 billion US dollars.

Discover the diamond rings of BAUNAT!