How safe is buying jewellery online?

How safe is buying jewellery online?

What are the benefits of buying jewellery online? How quickly and safely will the jewellery be delivered? BAUNAT has been selling top quality diamond jewellery online at unbeatable...

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Loose heart-shaped diamond

Why you should buy a loose heart-shaped diamond

If you are planning to surprise your beloved, we recommend you to buy a loose heart-shaped diamond. At BAUNAT we would love to help you with this.

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What determines the price of a diamond?

What determines the price of a diamond?

Diamonds have a high price tag because of their rarity. However, few know how the price of a diamond is determined. BAUNAT will gladly inform you about this.

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Two famous auction houses influencing diamond prices

Which big players influence diamond prices?

How do diamond prices evolve? Which big players in the diamond market influence these prices? BAUNAT introduces them.

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Fire, brilliance and scintillation influence on diamond prices?

Fire, brilliance, scintillation. Three essential terms that describe what a person sees when looking at a diamond. Together, they form what we would call the overall cut appearance...

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Diamond symmetry and diamond prices

Diamond symmetry and diamond prices

Talking about the overall symmetry of a diamond and its importance in the appearance but also the diamond’s price.

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