• What is a pre-moon?
  • What should I take into account when considering a pre-moon?
  • Which other types of ‘moons’ are there?

More and more soon-to-weds decide to opt out of honeymoons and join the trend of pre-moons, also known as early-moons, before exchanging wedding rings. But what exactly is a pre-moon? Why would I choose to go on pre-moon instead of honeymoon?

What is a pre-moon?

Pre-moon is a relatively new term swooping the British nation since Prince Harry and Meghan decided to take one. The concept describes the act of not taking a honeymoon after the wedding, but rather opting for a shorter holiday before. It offers the perfect getaway from all sorts of stress that accompany planning a wedding and is the perfect opportunity to reconnect in the midst of such a hectic period.

Some also consider the pre-moon the perfect time for a small pre-wedding in private. Exchanging wedding rings in secret adds a whole new air of romance to the special event and makes your big day even more exceptional. 

What should I take into account when considering a pre-moon?

When planning a pre-moon, you should take your time to find the perfect location. Most pre-moons tend to be shorter than traditional honeymoons, which makes the perfect location even more important for a short and sweet visit. Secondly, take care not to plan your pre-moon too close to the wedding. Sunburn or jetlag might interfere with being your best self on your big day, so take some time to recover before walking down the aisle and swapping wedding rings.

Honeymoons often take place in high travel season and are far more expensive because of it. Going on a pre-moon gives you the chance to choose a different time of year when your travels will not add another big expense to an already financially significant period. Make sure to look for a beneficial travel opportunity.

Which other types of ‘moons’ are there?

Going on pre-moon before exchanging wedding rings is not the only new variety of honeymooning. Baby-moons have also significantly risen in popularity over the past years. Baby-moons are divided into pre-baby-moons and post-baby-moons. The first type is aimed at enjoying your final months together as a couple before adding parenthood to the mix and changing your lives forever. The second gives your family the chance to quietly and privately adjust to the life-altering new arrival and gently ease into the new dynamic in a beautiful and relaxing environment.

How can we buy the perfect wedding rings for a secret ceremony on our pre-moon? What can I give as a push present for our new baby? Contact the diamond jewellery experts at BAUNAT for personalised advice.

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